A Modern Workplace Exodus Is Underway

To say there has been a shift in values of the American worker this past year would be an understatement. The word burnout has been elevated from hushed office chatter to the likes of Forbes and The Today Show. A recent Monster.com poll found that 95% of workers are considering finding a new job, with the number one contributing factor being burnout. 

Understandably, the pandemic has put additional strain on many employees, between working from home, taking care of kids, dealing with potentially sick family members, etc. These factors have spurred a “reframing” of how employees perceive their work-life balance, and in many cases, they seek new opportunities. 

Which poses the question; what actions should employers be taking to help solve this problem? As far as preventing burnout, employers need to be proactive in making sure their employees aren’t being overworked, so they don’t just up and leave one day. The issue of employees’ “reframing” of values is trickier. 

Many states have passed laws protecting businesses from being sued over the virus. Businesses/employers who take precautions against covid are not only ensuring themselves legal protection, but showing employees they are working to meet the new “reframed” values they now hold. 

Providing workplaces with clean air filtered of airborne pathogens such as COVID, show not only a commitment to keeping employees and their families safe but is a clear effort to meet COVID guidelines. 

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