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How Does Your Air Compare?

The CDC has released a ventilation tool to help people calculate what % particle reduction is achieved in their home based on a few constraints. It takes into account things such as HVAC operation, HVAC filters, the use of portable filtration units, and opening windows.

Once you adjust the settings to mirror your space, you will get a rough percent estimate of particle reduction in your space. We did a test using our office with an HVAC system set to auto, premium filters, and one of our Peak units running with a couple of windows open. This gave us an estimated 86% particle reduction.

That number increases to 92% if we left the HVAC system on continuously. More importantly, the 86% DECREASES to an astounding 62% if you remove the portable HEPA cleaner from the same equation.

While this tool takes a minimal amount of factors into account, it does give you a good idea of just how much adding or removing filtration tools really matter. We know the more ventilation your house has the more air changes per hour will be achieved and the more clean air that will come in. What this tool shows you are just how much of a difference these tactics really make in your home.

Click here to play around with the ventilation tool and see how your indoor air quality stacks up.